IPSEC had installed and deployed more than 20000 speaker points, we have our in-house technical specialists and installer. We had completed some of the very large site, such as IKEA Furniture Hyper mart. We have our owed SPL Meter & Impedance Tester. For large project, IPSEC provide factory customization or pre-inter racking at Factory. IPSEC can facilitate FAT at Factory, depend on your standard.
Founded 1934 in the Japanese city of Kobe, Japan. TOA have more than 80 years of experience in researching, developing and selling commercial and professional audio and security equipment.
TOA specialize in Public EVAC, Voice Alarm Systems, Intercom Systems, Speakers, ProSound, Distribution, Wireless Systems as well as Conference Systems to create acoustic sound fields for millions of people to make their lives safer and more pleasant.
Amperes Electronics was setup in mid 1999, Malaysian incorporated company. Amperes produced and manufactured more than 150 models of high quality Public Address System, Background Music, Voice Announcement and Emergency Voice EVAC system.
Amperes had thousands of installation sites around the world, Amperes products are reliable and stable.
SAMPLE – Public EVAC System Designed by IPSEC