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IPSEC have ELV Experience for hospitality industry, normally WIFI, SMATV and PBX Phone are the most important ELV systems for every big hotel chains.

Hotel PABX Systems with Hotel Features Room Blocking & PMS.

The hotel PBX features are specific for hospitality environments. Blocking of external calls when a room is not occupied.

Guest satisfaction and loyalty are top priorities for you. Achieving those goals includes delivering a strong, consistent WiFi experience. Consider the number of smartphones, tablets, and laptops that are used by guests who check-in to your hotel each day .

Whether on vacation or on business, hotel guests expect to connect, stream, watch, download, work, and play without complication and without limit.

To meet that high-speed WiFi demand, hotels are turning to IPSEC for a one-stop answer:  an easy-to-use, reliable, and affordable WiFi infrastructure without the cost and complexity that often comes from larger wireless vendors.

IPSEC Hotel WIFI solution helps you improve your WiFi and guest satisfaction. Create a free or paid Hotel Internet access, integrate with Hotel PMS software to automate guest login with room and name, engage guests with advertisements, collect surveys and understand what you can do better to improve guest satisfaction.

Today’s travelers expect excellent WiFi in every hotel. Take your WiFi to the next-level and improve quality of the Internet service, guest satisfaction and overall Hotel review rating.

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